John M. Eiler
Robert P. Sharp Professor of Geology and Geochemistry; Ted and Ginger Jenkins Leadership Chair, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences
B.S., University of Iowa, 1989; M.S., University of Wisconsin (Madison), 1991; Ph.D., 1994. Research Fellow, Caltech, 1994-97; Senior Research Fellow 1997-98; Assistant Professor, 1998-2003; Associate Professor, 2003-06; Professor, 2006-08; Sharp Professor, 2008-; Division Chair, 2024-; Jenkins Leadership Chair, 2024-.
Research Overview
Professor Eiler's focuses on isotope geochemistry of light elements (H, C, N, O and S), as applied to: the origin and evolution of igneous rocks; the origin and evolution of meteorites; planetary atmospheres; atmospheric and environmental chemistry; paleoclimate; and paleontology.
Research Summary:
isotope geochemistry of light elements (H, C, N, O and S), the origin and evolution of igneous rocks, the origin and evolution of meteorites, planetary atmospheres, atmospheric and environmental chemistry, paleoclimate, paleontology